Sunday, 7 April 2013

Every end is a new beginning

That every end, without exception, is a new beginning, "Das ist Fakt!" (as the Germans would say).
Paradoxically, one of the most important lessons I have recently learned is, that in order to start, one must first, end.
These simple words entail not so simple actions, however; once you understand the importance, forward is the only direction.
If you were wondering what has kept me so busy the past few months, now you know. I was working on my endings.
It might sound crystal clear, but it has not been easy. My life has been a rollercoaster of feelings, mixed; thoughts, of all shapes and colours; sleepless nights, endless, and, and, and...
Have you ever done a pros & cons list? What happens when the heavyweight cons have nothing to lose to the featherweight pros, which are just castles in the air or a gut feeling? One simply goes ballistic, because that is just not the answer you want to hear!
Against all odds and after all that logical reasoning, I decided to follow my... heart?
With all my endings done, I am ready, and as excited as a little girl on her birthday party, for this new beginning.
After many years of doing the right (expected) thing, I have gained my right to be “irresponsible”, “illogical”, “bold”... and follow a dream very close to my heart and make it happen.
Wine has always been something I am passionate about, in the most ample sense of the word. For years I have imagined myself, in a winery, a very rustic life, the fields, the vines, the fruit, the earth and the sky, the hard work and, the delicious end result. It all seemed appealing to me.
Being realistic, I have neither the background nor the experience, however; I might have found a way of sneaking into that lifestyle doing something where my experience and skills can hopefully be an asset.
I want to thank all of you for patiently listening to me, for your unconditional support and a special thank you to those of you who have unleashed your own imagination and dram with me.
To all of you, who are already part of this journey, I dedicate this blog.

London, the night before my first day at the wine school.


1 comment:

  1. ¡Salud! I hope you enjoyed your first day of your new Rebsorte ;-)
